The Professional Civil Company of Lawyers MBOCK-MBENDANG-NDOCK LEN-NGUEMHE, known by its acronym M&N LAW FIRM, was founded in 2001 by a group of four lawyers who graduated from the Universities of Cameroon and France. Its headquarters is in Douala, Cameroon.

The firm is rapidly growing thanks to the availability of its lawyers and the internal and external collaborators who provide their clients with the legal security required for the success of their businesses.

M&N LAW FIRM is a business law firm with activities involving several disciplines, all aimed at providing its clients with the maximum legal, fiscal and administrative assistance in the area of advice and litigation, both for investment and operation or in case of disinvestment.

M&N LAW FIRM has a proven track record in giving legal and fiscal advice as well as in litigation. Indeed, its experience has been confirmed within the framework of some important and sensitive matters.

The firm has full mastery of the Cameroon judicial and administrative system and that of Chad, where it has, on several occasions, represented both Cameroonian and multinational companies.

The founders of M&N LAW FIRM have cultivated a team spirit that has further been consolidated since the existence of their firm.

M&N LAW FIRM strongly believes in the need to promote OHADA and Community Law in general, as instruments of securing investments in Africa, and thus makes its best contribution for this to be possible.

Associate lawyers


Barrister Mbock Biumla Jean Michel

Lawyer at the Cameroon Bar


Barrister Frédérique MBENDANG ESSANGUI

Lawyer at the Cameroon Bar


Barrister NDOCK LEN Aimé

Lawyer at the Cameroon Bar

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